09 April 2016

No sailing

I drove down to Yamba on Friday and collected Baby Dragon from Peter at Yamba Yacht Supplies who had needed to do extensive fibreglass patching up but I am assured that now she won't leak - I haven't tested yet. Now Baby Dragon is waiting at Harwood for me to get her a rig...

I trailed Little Dragon down to Harwood so that Rod could check the bolt holding the swing keel in place. He checked and pronounced it in fine shape. So now all the checks suggested in the condition report have been done. A good feeling.

Nicky arrived on Saturday morning so that we could go for a sail. We rigged as a gentle 10 knots was forecast but it never arrived. So instead Nicky went for a kayak while I derigged.

Despite the lack of sailing it was very relaxing just watching the river flow by.

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